art zine

Walking Mountains

My Walking Mountains zine is inspired by a body of ceramic work I created in 2021 of the same name (you can view that project here). In this zine I wanted to tell more of the story of these women. The original paintings were created entirely with gouache. The finished zine is digitally printed and each page is cut and assembled by me. You can purchase copies of the zine here.

In Her House: An Art/Object Zine

In Her House is an art object zine which can be enjoyed like a book or displayed as a piece of art on a shelf of mantelpiece.

This zine is a concertina folded artist book that is black & white on one side ands full color on the opposite side. One side features line drawings and the other gouache paintings. The book is digitally printed on Mohawk natural colored coverstock.

The book consists of a series of houses and rooms, each page is carefully handcut and glued together by me.

In addition to the concertina, there are also 2 double-side mountain lady paperdoll and a 4”x6” sheet of vinyl stickers that you can add into the rooms of your book

When fully extend the book measures about 40” long and the pages at their highest points are about 8” tall.

Each book is signed and editioned. Due to the handmade nature of this book each copy will have little variations. You can purchase copies here.

Call & Response

Call & Response is a zine I made in collaboration with my spouse, the painter Joel Fleminger. We created a series of paintings and drawings responding to each other with one piece we created in collaboration as the centerfold. All in print zines are available in my shop.